Our yearly average of 1.083 posts per month (13 in 2008) doesn't seem so terrible. But when your last post was in September, you officially suck. So, as we were recently discussing New Year's resolutions, "not sucking at blogging" came right after losing Holiday weight.
As we began discussing why we suck at blogging, we noticed a few things:
1. We are as bad at taking pictures as we are at blogging
2. When we take pictures, we forget that they can be downloaded to a computer (a crucial part of blogging)
3. We may have forgotten our username/password once or twice
4. When you don't post regularly, it's difficult to go back and summarize what has happened over the last six months.
So here are a few pictures of what has been happening with our family since Eli's birthday.
Owen, Hannah and Eli looking at Great Grandpa's animals. We all had a campout up at his "ranch."

Three generations of Prisbrey and one generation of Kendell.

Owen, Wyatt, Hannah, Eli and Chett the morning after the campout.

Half of Kelly, Stacy, Chris, Dad and Sarah

All of Kelly, Stacy, Chris, Dad and Sarah

Good pictures! It was fun getting together with you the other night.
Happy Inauguration, Martin Luther King, Groundhog, President's, and Valentine's Day.
Ooh, and Happy Mardi Gras, too.
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