Stacy invited me to attend Wyatt's school program. I was very excited to see the program and to be able to walk through the old elementary school that all of us attended. Wyatt did a great job in his program. He had a speaking part that made us all laugh. The whole grade sang a number of songs about "Tall Tales." It was very fun. After, Stacy and I walked around and took a bunch of pictures of some of the most memorable places. The school will be demolished in a year, so I was glad that that I had a reason to walk through the school without feeling like a creepy old man.
We all loved going to school here. Stacy and I reminisced about the many "Friday night Rollerscating parties" and "Friday night movies." Every Friday around 2:00 PM, just after recess, you could smell the popcorn machine getting ready.
Good old North Ogden Elementary School.
The famous enterance and stairway.
The drinking fountain up the stairs.
The hallway up to the library.
Another picture of the hallway that leads up to the library. It's kind of a creepy old school, but definitely very neat!
What this blog needs is a new post. About Sarah's big race! And a little video of Eli having a conversation.
What this blog needs is a video of Owen combing his hair "like Peter Parker."
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