So not much has changed since the last posting, exept for: Michael came home his mission, Dave left his job with Otsuka Pharmaceuticals after almost five years, Courtney came home to visit few weeks during the middle of his Afghanistan tour, Nate came home from his mission, the Prisbrey family hosted the Sneddon family reunion, Karen passed away and Dave and Steve turned 33. Other than that, things haven't really changed:).
This summer has actually been very busy. It all started off with Michael coming home. He was in Raleigh, NC. He has been home for a few months and recently made Weber State's cheer team.
Shortly after Michael came home, Dave left Otsuka and took a job with a company called Biohorizons, selling dental implants. Changing jobs is not fun, although Dave is really beginning to love it. Randy, Dave's dad owns a dental lab and has helped him better understand the industry. Steve, Dave's twin brother works for Colgate and also sells to dentists. Part of Dave's job responsibility is to go into surgery and explain to the surgeon how to use their surgical products. One of his concerns was that he wouldn't be able to make it through a surgery without getting queasy. So far, so good.
In late June the Dave, Steve and Anne hosted the Prisbrey reunion. It was nice seeing everyone there. Donna, Vern, Bill and Jennifer drove up from California, while Uncle Russ, Lance and Luke came up from Florida. The rest of the gang, Karen and her family, and Wendy and her girls came from the Utah County area. We had a great time playing water games and visiting. The fun and good feelings were short lived after a couple weeks later that Karen, who is Dave's cousin, died. It was very sad. She was in her late thirties and has four children from 18-12 years old.
Nate came home from his mission too. He also looked great. During the same week, Court came home to visit for two weeks before going back to finish his Afghanistan tour. His wife Amanda and his three boys stayed for almost a month with Sarah's parents. It was fun having everyone home. Candice and Bryant even made a surprise visit on the 4th of July. No one knew they were coming. On the morning of the fourth, Candice and Bryant showed up and rang the doorbell. It was a lot of fun having everyone there.
It has been a busy, but fun summer. We are hoping to do a few more fun summer things before fall comes. It won't be long before we have our Halloween parties at Stacy's and Steve's houses.