The obvious AK and Ivan Drago. "I must break you"
There was a show on TV years ago called 'Freaks and Geeks' and one of the stars who played a nerd on the show looks exactly like D-Will. His name is Samm Levine.
When the Iraq war started there was a lot of publicity on Saddam and his two sons. Around the same time, the Jazz were looking at Carlos Boozer. I remember thinking Boozer and Uday Hussein could be twins.
We've all heard it a million times... Korver looks like that Ashton Kutcher dude. Perhaps a little. For the longest time I couldn't quite put my finger on who he reminded me of until the other night when I was almost a sleep... ITS CARROT TOP!
Dave, while your last couple of post have been very nice, I want you to focus on puting pictures of your cute children on the blog.
Its becoming clear that you have too much time on your hands.
Hahahaha this was funny...
I agree more Carrot Top for sure. Hope all is well with you guys. How's that new cute baby? I wanted to let you know I had to make my blog private. If you e-mail me your e-mail I will add you. Thanks,
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